Thursday, 1 March 2012

PPP - Study task Who are you (Luke Rossiter)

Quotes and images from Luke's Blog

- 'Most of all I want to learn the professional side to graphic design. For example how to find and attract business, how to charge fees, how to set up companies and run them, etc.' 

 - 'I would like to think that one of my main strengths is to not be afraid to experiment with ideas while working.'

- 'I am also not afraid to speak my mind on a collaborative project.'


1. Where are you from?

- St.Albans, city with most pub's per mile and the oldest pub in Britain called 'The Fighting Cocks' 

2. What is your earliest memory?

- In first home tripped up and hurt his knee on porch 

3. Which Living person do you most admire, and why?

- His Parents

4. Cat, Dog or other? tell us why?

- Cat - He feels more like a cat owner because he is too lazy to look after a dog.

5. Where would you like to live? why? What would you do if you lived there?

- 90's California, just to chill out and enjoy enjoy casual design.

6. What would your super power be? What would you use it for?

- Be able to stop time - Any individual task can be done when time stops, no such thing as missing a deadline.

7. If you could bring something extinct back to life, what would you chose?

- Dead Turtle that was tasty - would like to bring it back to taste it. 

8. What is your most unappealing habit?  

- Doesn't wash Plates until desperate, lot's of dirty plates.

9. What is your favorite word? Why?

- Umlaut - (little dots above letters), he likes it pronounced in German accent because it sounds good.    

10. What is your favorite book? 

-'World War Z' - Zombies, but serious, about political world plan to rid world of zombies.

11. Which 4 people would you invite to your dream dinner party?

- Chris, james, Steven Hawking, Stuart Lee (if Steven Hawking, for some reason could not make the party, Luke would like to invite Louis CK (2 of his best friends , a genius and a comedian)

12. if you could edit your past, what would you change and why? 

- Would hit a bully in High School 

13. If you could go back in time, where would you go? what would you do while you were there?

- 18th Century England, wear a top hat, buy a ship and sail the seas. ( a little like a Pirate)

14. What do you consider your greatest achievement?

- Having survived this far

15. Tell us a Joke?

- Person 1: "What's the difference between a toilet and a fridge?"

- Person 2: "I don't know what's the difference between a toilet and a fridge?"

- Person 1:' You dirty bastard'

16. Tell us a secret?

- When he was 7 he kicked a bucket of ice cream over an Orchestra. 

Luke Enjoys computer games, the yare his number 1 hobby a list of his favorite games

  • Mass Effect 2
  • La Noire
  •   Grand Theft Auto 4

  • Company of Heroes

  • Total War 

Clearly, after seeing all the games, Luke is into all different genres of computer gaming, however it seems that most are somehow revolved around shooting, war, battles and tactics.
As well as gaming Luke has told me he used to play Airsoft for one of his hobbies, Before today i had never heard of this sport, so I will see in depth what the sport is. Luke described the game quickly, explaining it as a mix between paintball and battle reenactments.

This seems to link further to Luke's love of artificial combat and tactical planning.

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