Sunday, 19 February 2012

What I have learnt about myself .


1. Taking into consideration that I have had a few years off, graphic design in education, this past couple of months have been extremely interesting, it has contained all sorts of aspects, some that I have enjoyed, some that I haven’t but all have taught me about the world of graphic design, there are certain areas, that I am struggling with but I know slowly I will improve, as my knowledge on all areas covered so far, has improved incredibly , however I know there is still room for improvement.

2. as this is not the first time living away from home, I can’t say my life has changed that much when it comes to living individually, but as always, enjoying the freedom.

3. I still lack confidence when it comes to designing, i dn’t ever want to compare, my progress or work to other students in the class, but I know many students have taken to blogging easier than I have, it has been quite tricky to try and develop my work through the blog, I realise this is a personal area I need ot improve and I don’t feel I am taking advantage of the blog enough, there have been situations where the blog has really helped my development but there has also been other times, the amunt of work on my blog does not reflect the time and effort I have put into a brief.

4. I have learnt my time management is an area that needs improvement, again an area that I feel is improving but slower than I would like, I do work Wednesdays and weekends which definitely effects the amount of work I can get done, but this is necessary.

5. I need to try to explore more design ideas and maybe do more of my own personal work, I have recently been doing a lot more personal work, mostly involving logos/ branding for musicians / bands,  as well as some posters and venue promotions and I have found these are developing a broader range of techniques and visuals.

6. I have found that I really like living in Leeds, I have tried London and Australia, these are places that I will definitely return too at some point in the future, but I really do like Leeds as a city, and I’m enjoying the city life.

7. I have also met some fantastic new friends, since starting this course, it has never really been a problem before however there are some great people on our course both student and tutors and I lookforward to the next couple of years, improving relationships with everyone I can.

8. Even though i haven’t as of yet, I have realised i want to enter more competitions, some student on our course have created some fantastic designs for competitions, and this will always look good in the portfolio.

9. This isn’t a new thing I have learnt about myself, however I don’t like spending money, I am quite ‘tight’ in that sense, and I have found it difficult to find products to design with, as a professional designer would, this is an area I feel probably needs more research. but It would be interesting to find out how professional practices deal with this area.

10. My organisation is improving slowly, when it comes, to organising my work, and keeping track of all modules, deadlines etc. Again a lot of room for improvement but It is getting there.



1. When it come to designing and what I have learnt about myself. i have found many areas of interest. I have found I thoroughly enjoy typography, whether that bee with my own original fonts, or existing typefaces, but I think it is a fantastic area of design, that has endless potential. I find laying out type can give so many different options for any product.

2. My overall software knowledge is improving daily, I have learnt a lot about Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and indesign, after the workshops, I was still struggling a little with the adobe suite but after doing personal development on these pieces of software, I am broadening my skills and techniques as well as my confidence.

3. I enjoy designing logos quite alot, I find it an interesting area, to take a company/ brand/ band/ artist and defining them in a simple visual. It is difficult but it is an area I have always enjoyed and have fun developing.

4. I am learning more about how to work collaboratively, at the beginning I just agreed with the rest of the group and the group brief,s really didn't have any direction, however as I grow in confidence with my abilities I find it much easier putting my ides and opinions across, this has really paid off in some situations.

5. Crit’s have been a new experience for me since coming on the course, and I am really enjoying them as well, I had no idea how valuable peer feed back is to the development of designs, I dont just enjoy asking questions, I find it brilliant to be able to see everyone's work and try to help them improve.

6. This has been constantly improving over the past 4/5 years, but public speaking is an area I feel I am strong in, if I compare myself to many closs members I grow in confidence when speaking to groups, where as a few years ago this was a problem for me, whereas it definitely no longer bothers me.

7.I have learnt more about the importance of research to a graphic designer, and as the briefs continue, so does the standard  of my research

8. My knowledge of other designers ins also improving, I learn new designers most days and obviously this helps broaden my knowledge of what is possible in the industry, as well as help inspire my designs.

9.learning more about self analysis as well, I am quite strict when analysing myself I have found, I often focus more on area’s that I feel need improvement, rather than areas I am happy with.

10. I am trying to improve my illustrative skills, I find illustrators work very inspiring, but have up until now, very rarely drawn myself, but I draw most days now. this will also help my design sheet, and initial design idea sheets.

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