Sunday 4 November 2012

PPP2 // Task 3 What is Industrial experience

Use your PPP blog to record your responses to the following questions ahead of the group tutorials after reading week.
  • What is Industrial experience?
 - When you take your studied practice and involve yourself in an experienced organisation focusing on that specific professional practice. 
- Gaining experience from industry professionals in your chosen sector.
- Developing studied skills to a level a professional practice would be happy with. 
-Learning production and development skills from accomplished designers.
  • What can you learn from industrial experience?
- How to communicate with other required sectors and work as a team.
- How an individual organisations represent themselves in the industry and how they differentiate themselves from their competitors.
- Practical and production skills.
- Networking opportunities.
  • What form/format could industrial experience take?
- Placements, 
- internships, 
- work experience, 
- Sandwich course, 
- day release
  • What are your concerns about industrial experience?
- Choosing the wrong organisation to gain experience from.
- Being used by a studio or organisation to get free labor which results in no Job
- Not gaining a job from industy experience.

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